— All Play



019 — Announcing, Jam Sessions: Public Edition


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Since today is International Podcast Day, I figured it was only fitting to try to get an episode out today. Thankfully I have something very topical to announce today as well, a new podcast! Last week I streamed and posted the first episode of, Jam Sessions: Public Edition, or just, Jam Sessions.

A few episodes back I had announced Jam Sessions: Private Edition, the podcast that I plan on hosting on Ripple.fm. The point of that show was to have more intimate conversations that may include details or information that myself or the guest may only feel comfortable sharing with a smaller audience. But, once I started thinking about the private edition, I started to think about how much fun it would be to also have a public edition, so I reached out to Daniel Coulbourne—who I had already connected with back in May about basically doing something similar, but I dropped off and never got it together—and we were able to coordinate a time for the first public Jam Sessions episode and make it happen!

Daniel went deep on all things Verbs. For more information, you should check out the full show notes: https://www.jamsessions.fm/episodes/001-daniel-coulbourne-verbs-event-sourcing

Unfortunately, I had some audio issues on my side, but I was able to resolve them around the 13:30 mark of the stream. Hopefully you can deal with the subpar audio and pick up all the knowledge that Daniel was dropping on event sourcing and how Verbs differs.

You can check out the episode here:



For all things Jam Sessions, you can find future episodes—and streams, eventually—at jamsessions.fm.

To follow along, you can find me at ryanhefner.com, follow me on Twitter @ryanhefner, and keep up with the show on allplay.fm and @allplayfm.

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00:00 - 00:27

Hey. How's it going? I'm Ryan Hefner, and this is the All Play podcast. I figured it was only proper for me to actually put out an episode that's on, International Podcast Day. So I wanted to do that, and I also wanted to let you know about a new podcast that I started last week, which is kind of, an adaptation about one I announced a couple episodes ago, which is jam sessions, except this is the public version.

00:27 - 01:09

And then the thing that makes this new podcast unique is I am both live streaming to YouTube and, Twitter during the episode, which is kinda cool. It's also a little bit, nerve racking and, ups the stakes as far as, like, not saying something dumb or, you know, just trying to have your stuff together. There can be some awkward pauses and whatnot, but actually, I think the first episode that I did last week on Thursday with Daniel Colbourne, turned out really good. I'm not gonna hopefully, I won't have to edit these. If I have to edit them, I don't think they're ever gonna get out.

01:09 - 01:37

So hopefully, the episodes will be flowing and will be good. It was really fun. And actually, you know, because, we were live streaming, we actually had some, you know, some people watching live the stream and a few people were even commenting and putting in some questions that I was able to ask during the show, which is really awesome. So I think that's pretty much gonna be the format. I'm hoping that I'll just be bringing people on.

01:37 - 02:30

We'll be having these conversations. We'll be jamming in and getting into, like, what they're passionate about or what they're working on. You know, hopefully, a lot of the people that I bring on will have some crossover to something that I'm currently working on. So Daniel, he publishes or he he co created and maintains a package called Verbs, which is a Laravel, kind of a new take on event sourcing for Laravel projects. I've been really big into event sourcing, actually, since I even heard about the creation of this verbs package and actually some of the even, like, listening to some of the background episodes with, Daniel and his, the cocreator Chris on, you know, what spawned the creation of this package.

02:30 - 02:57

It seemed to solve a lot of the issues that I was running into with both client issues and some personal project stuff. And it's just a very powerful technique. And, I mean, I guess not coming from, like, a traditional CS background, I wasn't quite aware of it. I probably need to read some more, like, mountain Martin Fowler books and, you know, like, brush up on all my design patterns and everything else. But, I'm really into it.

02:57 - 03:25

I also think that, you know, some of the stuff I've been exploring lately as far as in like the progressive web app space and local first, all that stuff is traditionally or or or at this point seems to be very heavily reliant on event sourcing. And, I don't know. It's just really cool. So wanted to tell you about the new podcast. You can find it, you know, on your podcast app of choice.

03:26 - 04:03

I am gonna be, like I said, live streaming these to both Twitter and YouTube so you can if you follow I guess for now, I'm gonna just be streaming these on my own personal accounts and then putting them within well, for instance, on YouTube, throwing them in a in a jam sessions playlist and making sure they're all organized over there. But, if you want to follow me on YouTube, @ryan_hefner . Unfortunately, I couldn't get the Ryan Hefner. I just I guess I was just slow on the YouTube front. Every other platform I have just regular Ryan Hefner, but I had to go with @ryan_hefner on the YouTube.

04:03 - 04:34

Obviously, you could follow me on Twitter @ryanhefner . And, yeah. I'm I I think still playing around with it. There's also no hard rules on it, but what I would like to do is actually have these come out on a pretty, like or actually record these on our regular cadence so that way people can kinda like tune in and and, obviously not change their schedule around it. But you should be able to know that, like, Thursday at 3 PM, a jam session may or may not be going on.

04:34 - 04:59

And if you if you if you are into them, you can tune in and, follow along. So that's hopefully the goal there. But, yeah, I just wanted to do a little quick, a little update on that, and I will, be putting this out on international podcasting day. So with that, have a great one. I'll see you later.

05:00 - 05:23

Bye. Whoops. And a quick little addition here. I forgot to mention that you can also find the podcast at jamsessions.fm, and I also plan on, in classic tradition, probably making that a custom site, and you'll be able to find both the YouTube and podcast, once I transition that from the transistor site. So check it out.

05:23 - 05:23


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