— All Play



005 — Pressing Publish


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In this episode I reflect on officially hitting publish on this podcast. The steps that lead up to the release, along with all the excitement and anxiety that builds up before pressing that button.

From creating the cover art, to settling on the format—or lack there of—to writing descriptions, and deciding whether or not to pay the extra $5/month to Transistor for the AI Transcriptions feature vs. rolling my own (note, I just paid the $5, but may explore some other ideas with custom transcripts on the site, since after playing with the different output options it got the brain gears turnings). Basically, all the stuff that went into launching this.

Here are a few additional things that were on that launch list:

  • Audio quality (via Adobe Audition + custom presets to make the audio sound better)
  • Newsletter sign-up form
  • Webhooks to refresh the site when new episodes are published
  • Sitemap
  • `og:image`’s

Along with some other outstanding stuff that I will be pushing to the site soon:

  • Welcome email (for newsletter subscribers)
  • Newsletters (sign up so you will start receiving these once they start going out)
  • Standardize copy/words for how I reference what this is
  • Tweak site metadata and SEO stuff

It definitely feels exciting to start seeing it in the various podcatcher sites and apps, and looking forward to talking about all the other stuff I have in the works. Until next time!

To follow along, you can find me at ryanhefner.com, follow me on Twitter @ryanhefner, and keep up with the show on allplay.fm and @allplayfm.

Help yourself, while supporting the show, by trying some of the services that I use, and highly recommend:
Transistor FM
Fathom Analytics


00:01 - 00:09

Hey. How's it going? This is Ryan Hefner, and this is the All Play podcast. So I did it. I hit publish.

00:10 - 00:35

This ep or this episode, will be the first I'll be recording after the, you know, the trailer and the first four episodes that I recorded kinda pre publishing. Those were really just to kind of fine tune the whole process and also if you just to post over to friends and be like, am I totally crazy? Is this something you would listen to? And all that good stuff. But yeah.

00:35 - 01:35

I mean, pressing publish, it is a thing that, you know, with any, you know, any initial idea or something, there there there comes a time when you gotta push it out to the world. And getting to that point can be pretty, exciting and also a little bit daunting and a little bit nervous. And so it's interesting to, like, reflect on all the things that go into actually just hitting that button and putting it out there. I mean, you know, going over the, you know, to do list of things that I was doing in preparation of releasing this podcast was like obviously coming up with the cover art, doing the initial recordings, understanding what even goes into making the audio good. So I'm using Adobe Audition, and it took me a while to actually before I got, like, the the right plug in kinda cocktail going to make my recording sound pretty good.

01:37 - 01:55

And I hope they sound okay. But, yeah, I mean, you got that. Then it's just kind of like a reflection on, well, is this even what I wanna do? And, you know, I kinda make a reference to that in the no edits episodes. Like, do I wanna do go through and edit these things or don't I?

01:55 - 02:24

I made the, you know, the the decision that I don't want to. I want these to kinda feel spontaneous and fresh and hopefully not too wandery, but at the same time, that's just the reality of it. So, you know, there's that that goes into it. And then there's all the extra kind of stuff. I mean, granted, in the previous episode where I'm talking about building all play dotfm, that was something I definitely didn't have to do.

02:24 - 03:02

I could've just I could've just launched with the, you know, the transistor FM site and if I wanted to have the custom domain throw that at it. But, you know, I just wanted wanted that to be a custom thing, and I explained that in that episode. But then beyond that, it's like you have to go in and and set up the descriptions and do all the linking. And, really, that's I mean, I guess I I've seen different podcasts handle it different ways. I really enjoy the ones where it does kinda give, like, a little bit of synopsis of what's going on and it gives you clear links to all the stuff that they reference.

03:02 - 03:29

I just think that's really handy. I guess the one thing I'm not doing on this podcast is really doing anything with the chapters, but I am trying to keep these episodes really short. So I don't know if I really have to. But I guess if people are interested in chapters, let me know and I'll maybe add those to it. But, yeah, you know, you're adding the descriptions.

03:30 - 04:00

You're trying to link everything up. One of the things working on this is I noticed that's, like, I was writing most of my stuff in Obsidian and then trying to paste it into, Transistor, and they're just using, like, a regular WYSIWYG editor. So unfortunately, all that markdown stuff that I already had formatted and everything, I had to reformat that stuff. I really wish more websites would just go straight markdown, but I understand why, why they don't. But it's definitely kind of frustrating.

04:01 - 04:16

So let it be known. Any of the stuff I'll be working on is definitely gonna be all marked down. There's not gonna be, like, block editors or WYSIWYG stuff. At least not yet. There may be some MDX stuff.

04:17 - 04:54

I'm actually thinking about some stuff, like, around that, just because I I do like the ability to be able to kinda throw something a little bit more extra or custom into the context, or into the body of a of a m d x of a a markdown file and have, you know, the consuming site do something special with it. But, that's not for this podcast. My daughter's banging on the porch. I will see if that's getting picked up or not. But, so yeah.

04:54 - 05:38

Adding descriptions, going through, and and checking the transcripts. Apparently, I'm guess I'm guessing that Transistor is using Deepgram, at least based on the the output that it that it that they have in there. It's kinda funny. I was, like, debating on whether I because I had used up my free, I guess, like transcription AI transcription credits before I had posted the 5th episode. And then that kind of put me at that that kind of, like, fork in the road where it's like, do I just pay the $5 and get this, you know, through Transistor?

05:39 - 06:21

Or do I wander down that road and come up with, like, a little utility or tool that I can use, personally? And then who knows, maybe open it up or expose it through some means, whether that's open source or through a little, like, utility site or some sort of, I don't know, app that you could download. But, yeah, definitely made me download the the OpenAI Whisper, and then obviously explore some Deepgram stuff. It's kinda interesting going in I'm sorry. It's a little side tangent on some of that AI stuff.

06:21 - 06:46

It's interesting the different paths that you can go there. The it's kinda cool that the the OpenAI Whisper stuff, you can actually run locally. So it's a you know, it's just everything's running local to your machine. The Deepgram stuff, they definitely have you upload and then basically get the response back. So there is I don't know.

06:46 - 07:38

I'm I'm more of a fan of the the local, models and being able to run everything locally, especially if you have the know how and maybe if you wanna chain some of the stuff together. I obviously understand that that isn't always the most scalable, thing to do, but sorry. Just a little side tangent on my my journey to, transcriptions and getting those ready for the release. And then, you know, like, things like the newsletter form and me, making some updates and tweaks and maybe not adding those, environment variables to the actual Vercel configuration and realizing that that wasn't working for the first couple of days, after I had basically started, like, referencing the site. But it's all fixed now.

07:39 - 07:56

Yeah. Little things like that, basically. Setting up resend, to accept those and and some integrations there. Configuring the webhooks within trans Transistor to basically, revalidate. So I'm using Next.

07:56 - 08:48

Js, and that's hosted on Vercel. And I do have it set up to where I have the webhook set up to where, essentially, when I publish a new episode, the website will update automatically, which is cool. Definitely not something that had to be done right away. But I guess I'm trying to automate and optimize the stuff so that way it's as easy as possible, for me to to do this stuff and and get these things out and reduce the workload involved with having to do that. That also, you know, then leads into site maps and OG images and stuff like that, but I have automated ways of those all to kinda get re re rebuilt as as new things are happening.

08:48 - 09:36

So that's cool. But, yeah. There's just all the things that go into configuring. This is, like, the most nerve wracking thing is, like, before I actually start hitting publish, I just wanted to make sure that the settings that I had on the feed coming from transistor was like what I wanted it to be because I'm just not sure what the kinda invalidation time cycle time is for, updating stuff that's coming from the feed, especially with all the different platforms, and services that are then consuming it. Obviously, Apple Podcasts and Spotify and stuff being the most notable ones, but and then a lot of people feeding off of those updates.

09:37 - 10:05

So, you know, making sure that that was at least good enough. I think I probably do need to go back and, like, I think I have several different descriptions of, like, what the podcast is or what I'm even supposed to be talking about on it. But I guess I'll, I'll be consolidating those or standing standardizing those once I really, come up with, like, the good words that I wanna use. But for now, it's good enough. And yeah.

10:05 - 10:44

I mean, I guess there's still more stuff to do. I plan on adding the newsletters to the site. I haven't really I have, like, a rough format for what I want those to be, but for now, it's just really the the newsletter subscription just capturing some emails in there. Need to have, like, a little maybe a little welcome email that sends back to people after this was dry, but don't have that ready yet. But, you know, at some point, you just gotta you gotta just hit that publish button because I could be sitting there tweaking and doing all that stuff and delaying, at least just seeing how this stuff goes.

10:44 - 11:28

But, yeah, if, you know, it felt it felt good to start getting it out there. It definitely feels fun to see this pop up in the actual apps just because I guess, you know, like I said, this idea of, like, having this podcast has been something I've been it's kind of been like a back burner, brainer for a while. And, and it's it's fun just to see it out there and, you know, listen to it in, like, Apple Podcasts and Spotify and to see what it looks like sitting next to other podcasts that I listen to. So, yeah, pretty fun. And yeah.

11:28 - 11:55

So pressing publish, it's definitely a daunting thing. It felt good to do it. It's the starting line. It's not a finish line. So I'm excited to you know, I have a bunch of a bunch of, I guess, more work that I wanna do, not necessarily on the website or this podcast, but obviously beyond that that I'm excited to start talking about.

11:55 - 12:21

So gonna start getting those episodes those thoughts a little bit clearer and start recording those things. And, yeah, I just wanna do a little quick pressing publish episode. So hopefully, you know, this is your first episode. I definitely recommend going back and listening from the start, up into the point. So, you know, chronological based on the release.

12:23 - 12:50

Yeah. That's about it. So if you wanna follow along with me, I'm @ryanhefner on Twitter. You can also go to my website, ryanhefner.com. The podcast is at allplay.fm, and you could follow the Twitter account, allplayfm on, Yeah. @allplayfm. So alright. Have a great one. Later.

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